Padmé Amidala was a courageous, hopeful leader, serving as Queen of Naboo -- and was also handy with a blaster. All of which helped her free Naboo from the grip of the Trade Federation. Serving as a handmaiden in the Royal House of Naboo, Sabé was duty-bound to protect Queen Padmé Amidala—the elected ruler of the people of Naboo—against any threat. As such, she impersonated Amidala during the Invasion of Naboo in order to keep her safe from the Trade Federation. Queen Amidala's loyal protector during the Trade Federation invasion crisis was Captain Panaka. Panaka was often referred to as 'the quickest eyes on Naboo' for his attention to detail and selfless dedication to the safety of the Queen.
Original deck by Brady Severns available here.