Saruman the White, was first of the Istari Wizards, the emissaries of the Valar sent to Middle-earth in the Third Age to help in countering the returned Sauron. He was originally the order's chief, and was head of the White Council that for a time opposed the Dark Lord. But, in time, Saruman was overcome by lust for power and swore fealty to Sauron, becoming his puppet. Having betrayed the Free Peoples, the corrupted Wizard hoped to either rule Middle-earth together with his new master, or supplant him to rule all himself. During the War of the Ring, Saruman marshalled an army at Isengard to both conquer Rohan on Sauron's behalf and try to seize the One Ring without his knowledge. Gríma, called Wormtongue, was the chief counsellor at the court of King Théoden of Rohan. Bought by the corrupted Wizard Saruman, Gríma became his mole in the Edoras court and worked to weaken the Rohirrim. When his treachery was exposed, Gríma fled to Isengard and ended up entrapped in Orthanc with Saruman.
Enduring Saruman's scorn, Wormtongue backstabbed Saruman.
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