Lumpawaroo, was a Wookiee who emerged from the shadow of his famous father Chewbacca to become a brave, talented, and powerful warrior within the Rwookrrorro community on the planet Kashyyyk. Born Lumpawarrump in 1 BBY and known as Lumpy throughout his youth, he was raised by his mother Mallatobuck and his grandfather Attichitcuk while Chewbacca served a life debt to and traveled the galaxy with Han Solo. Lumpy idolized his father and constantly dreamed of the elder Wookiee's adventures while Chewbacca was away. Attichitcuk, known as "Itchy" for short, was a Wookiee Chieftain who lived during the last centuries of the Galactic Republic. He sired two pups, a female named Kallabow and a male named Chewbacca, the latter of whom became a fabled hero of the Rebel Alliance. A supportive father, Attichitcuk had allowed his only son to leave the household to travel all over the galaxy in search of adventure. In his prime, Attichitcuk played a leading role on his homeworld of Kashyyyk, With the help of both his son and the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, the chieftain drove out invasion forces of the Trade Federation that occupied Alaris Prime illegally. When the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY, Attichitcuk was already an old, retired warrior, but he still joined in at least one fight, known to future generations as the Battle of Kashyyyk.
Lumpawaroo and Attichitcuk
Updated: May 22, 2023