The Seventh Sister was a Mirialan Inquisitor who served the Galactic Empire and operated as a Jedi hunter in the years before the Battle of Yavin. She was tasked with tracking down Ahsoka Tano, a prominent figure in the rebellion against the Empire, by Darth Vader. Following the death of the Grand Inquisitor, the Seventh Sister sought to replace him as the leader of the Inquisitorius. On the orders of the Emperor, Darth Sidious, the Fifth Brother was also dispatched by Darth Vader to hunt the growing rebellion against the Empire. He participated in the mission to locate Eeth Koth, and joined the Grand Inquisitor and Third Sister to search for Nari, a Jedi hiding on Tatooine. After the death of the Grand Inquisitor, he was deployed to pursue the Spectres, but often clashed with Seventh Sister.
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