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Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Tobias Beckett and Val
Tobias Beckett was a professional thief and gunslinger who worked for the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate during the early reign of the...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Clone Force 99 - The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch, also known as Clone Force 99, was a clone commando special forces squad that was active during the Clone Wars. The squad...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Aurra Sing and Boba Fett
A feared bounty hunter known for her chalk-white skin and built-in comlink antenna, Aurra Sing was an expert sniper and trained assassin...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
The All-Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT walker, is a four-legged transport and combat vehicle used by the Imperial ground forces....
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Asajj Ventress and Durge
Asajj Ventress was a Dathomirian who was a valuable agent to Count Dooku. Originally a Nightsister from Dathomir, Ventress was taken as a...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)
After Skywalker's faith in the Jedi High Council was shaken when Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order. Skywalker learned that Supreme...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Amidala and Captain Panaka
Padmé Amidala was a courageous, hopeful leader, serving as Queen of Naboo -- and was also handy with a blaster. All of which helped her...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Allegiant General Pryde
Occupying a position of power and privilege, Pryde was Allegiant General in the First Order who wielded authority over the ground and...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 5, 20231 min read
Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus
Ezra grew up on Lothal as an orphaned child during the age of the Empire, relying on his street smarts -- and subconscious Force...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 5, 20231 min read
OOM-9 and AAT
OOM-9 was an OOM command battle droid who served as the commanding officer of the Trade Federation's droid army during their invasion of...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
The Wampa
Standing at a height of 2.5 to 3 meters and with an average mass of 150 kilograms, the wampa was one of Hoth's top carnivorous predators....
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Mother Talzin and Savage Opress
Mother Talzin, the spiritual guide of Dathomir's Nightsisters during the Clone Wars, held enormous power on her homeworld and wielded ...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar
The imposing Saesee Tiin was a member of the Jedi Council during the final years of the Republic. Tiin was an active member of the Jedi...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Reeks are large, muscular quadrupeds native to the planet Ylesia and the Codian Moon. They are powerful and territorial mammals with a...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
R2-D2 and C-3PO
A reliable and versatile astromech droid, R2-D2 has served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, and Luke Skywalker in turn, showing great ...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Quinlan Vos
A Jedi with a sarcastic sense of humor and a reputation for not playing by the rules, Quinlan Vos was an expert tracker renowned for his...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Qi’ra grew up on the streets of Corellia with Han Solo before becoming Dryden Vos’s most trusted lieutenant, and an increasingly...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Poe Dameron and BB-8
Poe Dameron is a commander in the Resistance Starfighter Corps and one of Leia Organa's most-trusted operatives. The son of a rebel...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Plo Koon
A Kel Dor from Dorin, Plo Koon was among the wisest members of the Jedi Order, respected for his level-headed analysis of events and ...
Isaak Sutton
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Mission Vao and Zaalbar
Mission grew up on the streets of Taris in the Lower City. After being exiled from his homeworld of Kashyyyk, Zaalbar fled to Taris...
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